上海晶牛信息科技有限公司是**从事计算机应用技术开发的高科技企业。公司拥有一支富有行业生产管理和计算机开发经验的开发团队。成熟产品主要有:可适应不**业应用的"CB 企业管理系统",基本包含了CRM, ERP, OA, HR, FM…等各个方面的管理应用。同时,公司为客户提供各种**系统定制开发。 Shanghai Crystal Bull Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise, which specializes in developing computer-applied technology in business and industry. Its development team has rich experiences in both production management and software development. The main product is "CB Enterprise Management System" for different profession users. It was included the CRM, ERP, OA, HR, FM …etc. The company also provides the software system designing or developing, etc.